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Contract for financial grant № РА14-Р1-1.1-РД-13/07.07.2022 г. (registration number ИСУН BGCULTURE-1.001-0021-C02)

PROJECT: BGCULTURE-1.001-0021-C01 “Improved access conditions and representation of the cultural heritage in Rila municipality”

Financed by Program РА14 “Cultural entrepreneurship, heritage and collaboration” with the financial support of Financial Mechanism of European Economic Area 2014-2021, “We work together for greener, more competitive and inclusive Europe”,

Name of the procedure: First invitation for accumulation of project proposals for Result 1 “Improved management of cultural heritage”, Sub-result 1.1 “Cultural heritage, represented in revitalized, restored and renewed places”.

Beneficiary: Rila Municipality (Republic of Bulgaria)

Partner: Glemmen videregående skole (Kingdom of Norway)

Total value of the financial grant: 753 145.50 BGN. (385 077.18 EUR)

Start date: 07.07.2022

End date: 30.04.2024

As part of the project “Improved access conditions and representation of the cultural heritage in Rila municipality” were renewed and revitalised premises, interior and elements of the exterior of Museum “Alexi Riletz”. A new permanent exhibit was organised, representing the cultural heritage of the municipality, including with innovative technologies and means, actively applying digital technologies.

The realisation of the project, improved the access to the cultural heritage in Rila Municipality. New services and products were created, related with representation of the cultural heritage, for the purpose was created children’s’ corner for personal development for children and students with workshop, supplied with the necessary hardware. A souvenir shop was established and furnished. A capacity for organising and conducting educational activities was developed meant to attract and engage children and youths, in joint work of the academic community related with the activities of museum “Alexi Riletz”.

A good mutual partnership was developed between “Glemmen” high school in Norway and museum “Alexi Riletz”, as a result of conducted meetings and experience exchange, which enriched the partners with new knowledge and skills, related with encouragement of the cultural diversity and inter-cultural dialogue.

Four new jobs for museum experts were opened, we conducted specific trainings of “Museum marketing and cultural entrepreneurship” and “Attracting of museum audience” and we developed entrepreneurship plan, which improved the professional capacity of museum “Alexi Riletz”, improved management and representation of the cultural heritage, increased the competences of managerial and experts’ staff.